"A pin-drop performance that'll have you mesmerised from the get go with her thought-provoking lyrics"
- Andrew Marston BBC introducing.
'Emerging young Black Mountains singer, songwriter and talented guitarist EDDY... prepare to be transported.
Eddy’s mesmerising performance, honest lyricism and infectious hooks will be in your head for the days and even weeks to follow!'
- Latitude festival.
Texas Boy...
'its an exquisite flight of fancy, underpinned by serious songwriting chops'
- Tom Robinson, BBC Radio 6.
'Really really stunning, we couldn't have not played that'
'That demo of just piano and vocals is such a vulnerable way to show off the talent'
- Jess Izsatt, BBC Radio 1.

sometimes I find myself wanting to change a lyric because it reveals too much about myself, its too honest or it scares me that everyone will have access it. in those moments I remember all the great art that I love, and I see that I love it for those exact reasons.
creating is a strange thing when it becomes a compulsion. I go a little crazy without it.
I believe this will always be what grounds me. it feels fated.
contact me :0

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